Penktadienis San Diego

Didysis penktadienis mūsų vaikams buvo kupinas veiklos ir emocijų. Pirmoje dienos pusėje, viešnagę San Diego vainikuojanti pramoga, šeimininkų (32D) dovana Lietuvos komandai – apsilankymas didžiuliame jūrų pasaulio muziejuje See World. Toliau graudžioji dalis – atsisveikinimas su globojusiomis šeimomis. Kaip jau įprasta ši procedūra be ašarų neapsieina. Toliau kelionė (vėl absoliučiai niekur nėra info kokia transporto priemone) į Los Angeles, Mission Viejo (68D).  Toliau vilties ir nerimo valandos – paskirstymas į naujas šeimas, naujos vietos, naujos komunikavimo priemonės su Lietuva ir pan.

Diana iš Kalifornijos rašo apie penktadienį: „Na siek tiek info apie siandien diena. Iki 4 vakaro buvom Sea Worlde. Vaikai liko suzaveti. Po to atsisveikinimai su seimom ir kelione link Los Angelo. Atsisveikinant neapsieita ir be asaru. Neteko girdeti jokiu skundu del vaiku. Romanto seimininke be perstojo gyre koks jis fainas vaikas, kuris pastoviai kazka turi daryti (labai susizavejusi Romantu). Girdejau siandien kaip Tito seimininkas gyre, kad jam patinka, kad Titas vis nori isbandyti naujoviu. Maciau kaip graziai Domantas uzsiiminejo su mazesniais seimos vaikais, na visko net ir neisvardinsiu….

Vakare atvykus i Mission Viejo vaikai issibarste po seimas. Ryt laukia dvejos varzybos. Reikia tiketis parodysim grazu zaidima, o ar laimesim ar ne, gal ne tai ir svarbiausia… Tiesa, nors ir laimim 3-2 vis dar neparodem savo grazaus zaidimo, taip kaip is tikruju galim zaisti. Na, tam turim dar 10 varzybu.“

 Palinkėkime sėkmės komandai Los Angeles.

Žilvinas V.

4 Responses to “Penktadienis San Diego”

  1. linkejimai visiems vaikuciams! lengvo isikurimo naujose seimose.
    visiems graziu sv. Velyku

    Deimante, Valdas ir Andriukas

    Have been asked to do a daily recap of the events with the Lits while they are here in D68. The link above is where you will find my daily missives, thankfully posted by the tech God Matt C. who converted the notes from two years ago to a blog site These missives are more for the families back home who get updates on occasion from their kid or VN, but they appreciate hearing from an American perspective the games, attitudes etc. Most of them know me from my travels over there every year. Two years ago blog was converted by a Dad there into a book with pictures of the trip, again proves what a truly lifetime experience this is for all of them.
    Arrived, of course on time, at the meeting point in San Diego. All their host families plus, the DA for D32 Lisa LaPage and the UIC Paul Smith who so graciously agreed to host the group. They had an awards ceremony and each of the kids received a trophy, a very nice and touching touch. Rounded them all up, Paul allowed tears from a couple of the host Moms, mine will adhere to the no crying rule at all costs.
    We had a pick-up, Ford Expedition and a 16 passenger van. The truck was filled to the brim including the interior, plus the back of the Expedition. In the Expedition were all the Ladies as the driver was of that persuasion, the incomparable Angela Moran. The ladies on the trip are Diana Pupininkiene (mom of Lucas) her daughter Agne (way to cute and bubbly for words to properly describe), Irute Jursenaite (a PE teacher back home who has stepped up to learn the game and is working on developing softball) Virmides oldest daughter (17) Gintare (means Amber like the jewelry stone) (also stunning with a great personality)and Nomeda who was with us two years ago, now 12 years old and about 5’8’ Virmides’s youngest. Ezio Petrella the DA for D68 driving the truck. I drive the van with Virmides (will be known from now on as VN, to hard to type) sitting up front with me, the rest of the van filled with the 13 boys.
    They had a truly great time with the folks in San Diego, finished 3-2 against some good competition. The game last night I gather did not go well, kids did not focus, made 17 errors, VN I know from all the years, does not truly care if they win or lose, while here it is a learning experience, but if the play badly due to lack of focus, hormones or whatever, this is when he has an issue. Gather there were was a meeting of the minds after the game and push up/deep knee squats before entering Sea World today.
    VN and I had a great chat on the way up, his English is still not great, my Lit. is worse, but we are able to understand each other very well. He as some know, is so proud of his son, Dovydas now 17, first Lit. to be drafted by a MLB team, Pirates. He brought a small tear to the eye, giving credit (50%) for the draft of Dovydas occurring to the trip to California and the summer tournament that Jeff and I have done over the years. “It made him focus and know what it takes to play baseball in America”.
    We arrived early as the traffic coming up was a breeze, get out of the vehicles, Lucas Pupininkus, finds me and tells me he left his back pack at the fields in SD, call Paul who is all over it and heads back to the fields with another host Dad searching for it in the dark. Will update at a later date if found, hopefully it is, kid is devastated. All the families arrived on schedule and all sent their respective ways. They are staying this year with host families from Trabuco Canyon LL and know that they will treated tremendously. Hopefully the kids in the host families as in past years get more from them staying with them than the Lits. do and that they want to go to Lit. when they are 13-14 for the tournament there.
    They play a double header tomorrow at 4 and 7 PM

  3. Siandien (sestadieni) laimejom pirmas varzybas 4:7 (pries NMV). Be je pries du metus zaidem su ta pacia komanda ir rezultatas buvo lygiai toks pats 4:7. Antrasias varzybas zaidem prie apsvietimo 7 val vakaro pries SMV Yankiu komanda. Varzybos baigesi po 4 keliniu mums pralaimejus 12:2. Kaip treneris minejo, mums labaio naudinga pazaisti su tokiom komadom, nes tai buvo tikrai stipri komanda. Placiau apie varzybas aprasys Virmidas. Noriu tik pasakyti, kad siandien buvo Mato diena :)

    P.S. Zilvinui – jei kazko nerandi – klausk :) is San Diego i Mission Viejo vaziavom automobiliais. Sam’as veze vaikus (kokiam 14 vieciam busiuke), kitam transporte buvo lagaminai. Dar viena auto buvo pilna paneliu ir merginu. Tiesa, San Diege padovanojo lazdu, apsaugu, kamuoliuku. Tai visi lagaminai sunkiai tilpo i masinas. Sam’as traukiojo peciais kai reikejo sutalpinti visas tases :)

  4. O transporte escolar defente as mulheres ciumentas.

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